The client approached us to create two eLearning modules that would support A level learners with their study and revision skills.
The A level team wanted a guide for students that would introduce them to the specific requirements of A-level revision at the beginning of their course, and which they could refer back to throughout the course. The module would provide consistent guidance to all students which would be reinforced by the team in their interactions with students.
To ensure its effectiveness, it was critical that the module was able to support deeper learning and so the module included a number of in depth test and reflection exercises.
Traditionally support had been provided on a one-to-one basis, which was not sustainable for the member of staff that was providing this support. It was realised that there was an opportunity to provide tailored guidance to students through an e-learning module that they would be able to use as a reference guide that they could revisit at any time.
As with the study skills module, the revision skills module provided practical guidance, activities and step by step instructions that the learner could use to improve their revision technique.
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