Learning and development business case template

Learning and development business case template

£150.00 Plus VAT

What is it?

The L&D business case resource pack will provide you with all the guidance you need to complete a well-structured and fully considered business case for whichever L&D activity you are looking to complete. Be it training, the purchase of a new Learning Management System or any other activity resulting in the development of  your people. It consists of an editable business case form, as well as detailed guidance which will support you throughout the entire process of writing the business case.

Who is it useful for?

The L&D business case template is ideal for anyone looking to bring new initiatives to workforce development within their business. Based on best-practice  approaches, this template will allow HR, Learning & Development or Operations professionals to correctly position their L&D initiative to senior management or board level executives. This resource pack can also be used in the formalisation of budget request and procurement processes.

What’s included?

  • L&D Business case form (Editable PDF)
  • Step by step guidance for completing the form.
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